Self Portrait vs The "Selfie"
10:10 PMPutting aside the morphing of ones face when taking a selfie from a cell phone, there is no resisting! I went from criticizing the craze to becoming a full time participant; hiding in bathrooms, finding the right angles, lighting, became somewhat of a fun science getting it right. Suddenly, my cell phone became my goto for any and all shots. Dressing rooms to check out a new outfit, the delicious steak I was devouring, in the car, whole body weird angle....I did it ALL! Outdoors, indoors, events, with one person, two people, a whole group, I would take more shots than I would make phone calls.
Fast forward to today, as I delve deeper into my new life as a photographer, I noticed that I have nary a real, bonafide self portrait. Artful, professional shots that I so love to take of others and I never so much as gave it a second thought until I realized that I need bio shot for my site. Every photog out there worth their salt has a wonderfully thought out self portraits posted everywhere and I wonder, as I stalk their facebooks and websites, if they actually shoot these them "selves" or do they go to another photographer for perhaps another perspective or look. I finally decide to give it a go and what I learned was that it was not as easy as it had seemed. First of all, my focus stand-in was not a happy camper staying in one place. My poor Kokoa appeared sad as I sternly asked her to "STAY" while I attempted to get a good frame for my shots. How the hell do I manage this, I think, especially by myself. I am grateful for having viewed several tutorials on posing. After about two outfit changes and some heavy loaded mascara, ok-maybe even some falsies, I was ready...cue the remote! Here are some of the shots...happy viewing!