Venturing Out in New York City; a Photographers Wet Dream

1:20 PM

Unknown, Astor Place, NYC
I have an infinite love affair with New York City.  Every time I roam these streets, I am bombarded with enough visual stimuli for a lifetime.  Nevermind the wondrous landscapes that change with each neighborhood, but the people, the true New Yorkers that march up and down the blocks are what keep my eyes bouncing around in a dance from left to right.  I see frames as I walk, frames within the Live View on the back of my camera that I know will make for stunning images hung on some wall, anywhere.  

This week, I ventured out to the Lower East Side.  The vibrant neighborhood is accented with wall art on almost every corner, from St. Marks to Avenue A.  Even the locals shine bright in colorful fashion-forward apparel, as if it is a pre-requisite.  You can spot them from a mile away.  And yet, as I traipse around, I oddly do not feel like a visitor.  Greetings and warm smiles were a welcomed surprise!   A street photographer I am NOT, so I did not stick a camera in the faces of the passersby, but I did whip out my iphone once or twice to capture these gorgeous murals.

People often ask me if I were to move to any other city in the world where would it be, and I look at them, aghast, and say (in my quintessential New York accent) "What, are you kidding me?!!" 

Unknown, Astor Place & Avenue A, NYC

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